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There's More to Climate Control Than Many People Assume

Technology often means smaller sizes

One of the more interesting things about technology is how size and function tend to relate to each other. When powerful new technologies first hit the market one can typically expect very big sizes as well. But over time this relation tends to invert itself. The next iteration of the technology, and the next, and so on will usually be far more powerful and quite a bit smaller. In fact, new components of these machines will often be so small that people can remain unaware of them for quite some time. For example, someone enjoying the additional range and capabilities of a mini split AC unit might not even be aware of it. The main unit will simply appear to be a compact air conditioner. But when it's in use the overall effect will be far more efficient and wide reaching. It's only on closely examining the mini split based AC unit that one would discover exactly why it's able to perform so efficiently. 

Working with efficiency produces powerful results

The driving force behind the efficiency of a mini split is apparent from the name. It splits the full force of a climate control unit into an expansive range of effect. When cold air enters into a room it will begin to dissipate in all directions. And the cooling effect will become less and less powerful the further from the source it goes. One can't use an AC unit to cool the outdoors on a hot summer day because one simply can't produce enough cold air to counteract the hot air. A large room or house operates on a similar principle. A single unit's effects would normally prove ineffective past a certain point due to the facit that so much heat will be coming from the opposite sides. But with a mini split the cold air is channeled and protected from the heat until it reaches several different points. From there cold air is finally released into a room, and it can then deliver the full cooling power of the unit producing it.

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